W.O.W. (Walk On Water) Ministry: A Testimony Of A Writer's Heart
W.O.W. Recommends The Following Links:
(Links are listed in random order...)
1. http://www.staceyohara.com   Stacey O'Hara is a singer/songwriter and a First Grade Teacher. "I love to sing about life...the good times as well as the bad. I was raised in a single parent family. I know what a blessing it was to graduate from college and follow my dreams. God has been my dad through it all."

2. http://www.one5oh.com  One 5 Oh! is a worship band, based out of Indianapolis, that has a passion to train and lead this new generation in intimate worship.
We get our name from Psalm 150 which says, “Let everything that has breath, praise the Lord!” We are passionate about getting teens involved in worship, both in celebration and praise.

3.  http://www.sound-and-spirit.com  (Christian music CD club) Get your FREE selections now. Buy just one CD at the regular Club price ($14.98 and up) within a year. Then choose your remaining FREE selections. Shipping and handling charge will be added to each selection. Once you pay for your one regular Club-priced selection, you may cancel your membership at any time, simply by writing to us.

4. http://www.jesusfreakhideout.com  This site includes reviews on music and movies, downloads, interviews and much, much more!

5. http://www.kcc.edu

6.  http://www.truelies.org   Today's media is lying to your students about sex, drugs, alcohol, violence and suicide. They tell them premarital sex has no consequences, drugs and alcohol make life more exciting, violence is a way to solve your problems, and suicide is an easy escape. How can you combat this? Get informed with a True Lies Youth Talk. We address these issues using the very same media that students are plugged into, and tell them the truth.

7. http://www.ciy.com  Christ in Youth specializes in connecting young people with Jesus Christ. We believe that God is opening the doors to some incredible opportunities for CIY to minister to this generation. It is our vision that one million teenagers will have a life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ through CIY during this decade, as they stand at the crossroads of their lives.

Air 1 is using Christian Music to spread the message of Jesus Christ to the world

9. http://www.youthspecialties.com  For over 30 years Youth Specialties has worked alongside Christian youth workers of just about every denomination and youth-serving organization. We're here to help you, whether you're brand new to youth ministry or a veteran, whether you're a volunteer or a career youth pastor. Each year we serve more than 100,000 youth workers worldwide through our training Seminars and Conventions, resources, and here on the Internet.